Entries in British Pavilion (1)


Diorama at La Biennale di Venezia 55 Esposizione Internationale d'Arte September 2013

What's not to like?

Venice in autumn, no summer heat, no queues for gelato and no fractious art people who have, by now, already 'done' the Biennale. 


JEREMY DELLER: English Magic 

British Pavilion

"The hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) is one of the rarest birds of prey in the UK and often suffers from persecution due to its predation of grouse.  On 24 October 2007, a wildlife officer and two members of the public observed a pair of hen harriers being shot out of the sky as they flew over the Sandringham Estate.  The only people known to be shooting that that day were Prince Harry and his friend...The police investigated ...but the case was dropped as the carcasses of the birds could not be found.  The painting seen here depicts a giant hen harrier taking revenge on a passing Range Rover."  Extract from exhibition notes.


A free cup of English Magic...


ANRI SALA: Ravel Ravel Unravel 

French Pavilion

Raveling, unravelling and the music of Maurice Ravel.

Two musicians interpreting the same piece of music, DJ Chloe spinning and mixing the two tracks as the audience drowns in glorious sound surround Ravel...


LEE KIT: You (you)

Hong Kong

Nice desk.